Latest Job Advertisement At MOFA

Here is the Latest Job Advertisement At MOFA. The Ministry of Food and Agriculture through the Food System Resilience Project (PSRP) is looking for a suitable candidate for the position of Procurement Specialist.


  1. The Government of Ghana through Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), in collaboration with the World Bank, is currently preparing ilse West Africa Food System Resilience Project (FSPR). The project is being approached in two phases, the Project Preparation phase for which advance funding has already been received and contracts for preparatory activities of the project either ongoing or in the procurement process; and the main project phase which has recently been negotiated, and likely to be effective in the course of the year. This consultancy service covers activities in both phases.

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  1. The proposed Project Development Objective (PDO) is to increase  preparedness against food insecurity and improve the resilience of food system in Ghana. The project will have five components :
    1. Digital Advisory Services for regional agriculture and food crisis prevention and management
    2. Sustainability and adaptability of the productive base of the food system
    3. Regional Market integration and Trade
    4. Contingency Emergency Response Component (CERC)
    5. Project Management

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The broad activities under each Component are confirmed as the

Component 1: Digital Advisory Services for Agriculture and Food Crisis Prevention and Management, This component aims at strengthening, national capacity to provide demand-driven digital advisory services. This includes agro-advisory and impact-bases hydromet/climate information and early warning services, promoting their use for agricultural production, value chain management, food crisis prevention, management, and response and ensuring effective collaboration the public and private sector (Public Private engagement). The expected outcomes are improved adaptive capacity and climate resilience of project beneficiaries through the prevention of climate and hydromet information on various timescale (from near real time to seasonal, in particular) for effective planning and execution of agricultural operations such as cultivation,
weeding, fertilization and harvesting, and post-harvest activities.

Component 2: Sustainability and Adaptive Capacity of the Food
system’s Productive phase. The objective is to enhance the resilience
of the food system’s productive base and contribute directly to the GGWL. Expected outcomes are:

    • strengthened national and re
      gional agricultural research systems, and
    • landscape units under integrated management that can achieve multiple objectives sustainably (Food production, provision of ecosystem services, protection of biodiversity and improvement of local livelihood)

Component 3: Regional Food Market Integration and Trade The objective of Component 3 is to facilitate trade of agricultural goods and inputs within and across national borders in West
Africa, The components expected outcomes are:

    • Increased intra-regional food trade between surplus and deficit areas
    • Increased value creation in regional priority wale chains, Component 3 is organized in two subcomponents: Subcomponent 3.1 (Fu-climate Trade across key Corridors and Consolidate Food Reserve system) and Subcomponent 3.2 (Support the Development of strategic and regional value Chains)

Component 4: Contingency Emergency Response Component
(CERC). The objective of the CERC is to make available resources to strengthen the response capacity of the Government of Ghana in case of emergency, Some of the project proceeds will be redirected from other components to respond to eligible emergencies or crises. For instance, pest and disease infestation such as the Fall Army Worm, locusts, swine fever and bird flu, extreme drought or floods widespread and severe bush and wild land fires; During such periods, systems will be put in place to ensure that timely, reliable, and relevant data are systematically used to improve decision making to address such crises. In such a case resources will be
allocated to relevant government structures responsible for emergency crises such as MOFA Environmental Protection Agency, and National Disaster Management Organization under a well-established technical committee to deal with the situation.

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Component 5: Project Management.
This component will establish an effective coordination, management , and monitoring and evaluation system for the project. Key activities will include:

    • Establishing and maintaining financial management and procurement systems
    • Reporting on programme activities
    • Ensuring full implementation of environmental and social safeguards
    • Maintaining and ensuring the performance of the monitoring and evaluation system
    • Developing and implementing a knowledge management and communication for development strategies and study tours. la will also inchady a strategy for targeting the youth, gender and nutrition. It will finance operational costs of the project. It will  also support consultancy services for conducting the projects baseline and impact studies, the component will be implemented by the Project coordination unit (PCU) under the oversight of a Project Steering, Committee (PSC),

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Objective Of The Assignment:

To obtain the services of a highly qualified Procurement Specialist who will assist PSRP in achieving works and services both locally and efficient procurement of good internationally as required.

The position holder is required to get familiarized with the project legal documents, World Bank procurement, regulations, Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD) of the FSRP Project. The position holder conducts the procurement task at high qualified standard under the guidance of the project coordinator while maintaining liaison with the world bank on project procurement matters.

Responsibilities (Latest Job Advertisement At MOFA)

  • Update the procurement plan for the project as necessary and upload processed procurement documents in the World Bank’s systematic Tracking of exchanges in Procurement (STEP) for review
  • Obtain Clearance from the World Bank through STEP, where applicable for the Procurement, plan, ToRs etc and for all prior review contracts
  • Take the lead and coordinate the drafting of the following documents: Invitation for Bids (IFBs), Request for Expression of Interest  (REOIs), technical specifications (in consultation with the subject matter expert), Bill/Schedule pf Quantities (BOQs) in consultation with and with guidance from the subject matter expert or end users, terms of references (ToRs) based on critical input from the subject matter expert or end users, Request for proposals (RFPs), Bidding Documents
  • Prepare the general procurement notice (GPN). Specific  Procurement Notices (SPNs) and other solicitation documents whenever necessary

  • Ensure all tender notices are as per the Standard Bidding Document (SBD) adhering to the world Bank’s Procurement Regulations and procedures and norms and ensure their publications is recognized and widely circulated international and local newspapers as needed
  • Consolidate quarterly, semi-annual and annual procurement progress performance reports of the FSRP, for submission to the World Bank
  • In case of procurement actions requiring World Bank’s “No Objection” coordinate the dispatch  of procurement document and monitor the World Bank’s response at different stages of the procurement process and follow up accordingly
  • Collects pro-form invoices from qualified and eligible bidders for procurements using the RFQ selection method
  • Issue clarifications or amendments, including extension of bid submission dates, to the bidding documents or RFPs as necessary
  • Ensure that qualified bid evaluation committee members for each specific contract are available
  • Work closely with the Procurement Committee on ensuring proper follow-ups and approvals of the bidding documents, shortlists and evaluation reports
  • Make necessary arrangements for undertaking shortlist technical and financial evaluations of bids/proposals and ensure that best procurement practices are followed in preparing Bid Evaluation Reports
  • Facilitate responding in timely fashion to any bidder’s complaints including preparing draft responses that FSRP will provide to procurement complaints received. And facilitate the conduct of de-briefing when requested by bidders
  • Proper notification of ward of bidders to be used by FSRP and prepare contract agreement and arrange the contract for signature adhering to the World Bank’s procurement regulations and instruction to bidders/consultants of the issued documents
  • Establish and maintain a central procurement filing system exclusively for FSRP, and ensure all related documents are maintained in the respective files, for case of retrieval of information and the case of following the paper trial of procurement by independent external auditors, authorized World Bank procurement specialist and staff during post-procurement reviews.
  • Prepare and update the contract registry as per the agreed forms for signature by the head of procurement at MOFA
  • Review and certify the contractor’s/supplier’s and procurement specialist’s requests for payments depending on the type of payment modality specified in the contract
  • Properly close the contract if there is no dispute. Support FSRP management in the conduct of negotiations for an amicable settlement with the contractor/supplier/consultants, if there is any disagreement or disputes

  • Monitor implementation of each contract to ensure timely receipt of the goods and consultancy services’ monthly status reports. Ensure that payments are affected to the contractor/supplier/consultants in a timely manner when the milestones in the contracts are completed as stipulated in the contract agreements
  • Assume responsibility for being alert to any indication of unethical behavior and report such behavior to the appropriate immediate supervisor.
  • Make sure that sufficient training is given to staff involved in the procurement approval process
  • Perform other similar duties as required

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Qualification And Experience Needed For The Latest Job Advertisement At MOFA:

To be considered for the Latest Job Advertisement At MOFA, you must have the following:


  • A bachelor’s degree in science, engineering, management or related field
  • Postgraduate training in procurement or professional qualification in procurement
  • At least 10 to 15 years’ experience in procurement in a large public sector organization
  • At least 8 years procurement experience, preferable in international development partners funded projects with thorough understanding of World Bank’s and government’s procurement procedures
  • Computer literacy in the use of word processor, spreadsheets and any other application relevant to procurement
  • Excellent change management skills and strong commitment to sharing procurement contract management related expertise and experience in order to develop others

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  • Experience in handling procurement of works, goods and services in African countries

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How To Apply For The Latest Job Advertisement At MOFA

Send your application letters with copies of your CV, Certificates and any other relevant documents to:

The Chief Director

Ministry of Food and Agriculture

PO Box M 37, Accra, Ghana

Closing Date: Wednesday, 9th November, 2022 (By 3pm)

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  • Applicants are to include direct contacts (reliable telephone, fax number and email) in their applications in order to facilitate early and easy contact.
  • Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
  • For more information, contact:

The Project Coordinator 

Food System Resilience Project (FSRP)

Ministry Of Food And Agriculture (MOFA)

PO Box MB 37, Accra


Contact: / Tel. 233 0302686948

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