When you have graduated as an RN or an EN, you then have to register with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and meet the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)’s registration standards in order to practice in Australia.
This article has important information on how to work in Australia as a registered health practitioner if you are considering moving to Australia to practise as a registered health practitioner.
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Registered health practitioners in Australia
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To work as one of these health practitioners in Australia, you need to be registered with the National Board of your profession (eg. the Medical Board of Australia).
It’s important to know that you can’t work in your profession before you’re registered.
What does it mean to be registered?
- are qualified (hold a recognised qualification for the profession)
- meet the registration standards for your profession in Australia, and
- are suitable, your identity has been established and you’ve satisfied all the relevant probity checks.
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What the above points mean in detail:
1. Qualified
- An approved or substantially equivalent qualification OR
- A relevant qualification and complete an exam or assessment
AND (for some professions) - Supervised practice
2. Meets registration standards
- English language
- Criminal history
- Recency of practice
- Professional indemnity insurance
- Continuing professional development
3. Suitable
- Proof of identity
- Fit and proper
- Safe and competent
- Good standing
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How To Register With the Medical Board of Australia and/or the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
More information about what it means to be registered and guides to help you with your registration application are available below.
We strongly encourage people applying to the Medical Board of Australia and/or the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia to read the detailed information on their websites:
What international practitioners must do before they can start practising in Australia
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) has developed this flyer to help internationally qualified health practitioners understand which agencies they must engage with (and when) before they can practise their profession in Australia.
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