The article below aims to offer three simple ways to reduce stress as quickly as possible.
Chronic low-grade stress is so common these days that we have begun normalising it. Chronic low-grade stress refers to the psychological or physiological response to a long-term internal or external stressor. Our ancestors were usually under acute stress, such as when being chased by a lion or suddenly running after a deer.
In recent times, however, stressors have become so common that our bodies are almost always in flight or fright mode. Some common chronic stressors are the food we consume (unhealthy, ultra-processed), always looking at bright screens of devices, and cars honking.
Research has shown that our stressed bodies respond to these stressors in a range of ways, from low energy, lack of concentration, and insomnia to increased risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Sometimes, though, these stressors build up so much that things might get out of hand, and your body might attempt to go into a full-blown panic attack.
Simple Ways to Release Stress immediately
When this happens, here are three simple steps to help you unwind:
1. Pause
Just press pause on any activity you are engaged in. Trust me, the world will not end when you take a minute. Your world will most likely not even notice. You might actually be doing more harm to yourself and those around you by not taking a well-deserved pause. Step out of the eye of the chaos, physically or mentally.
2. Bring your awareness to your body
We tend to do a lot of things absentmindedly, like picking up the phone just to look at the time, and then one hour is gone just mindlessly scrolling through stuff. So, as soon as you notice your mind has wandered far away, take a pause and consciously drag your awareness back to your body. We tend to stay in our heads all day long, ignoring the movement of the world around us and reaching for unhealthy food and habits unconsciously.
Our posture counts a lot when trying to release stress, and maintaining good posture requires a conscious effort. Being present in your body, bringing your awareness back to you, and noticing your posture and position will help relieve you of the impending doom of stress.
3. Breath
Finally, breathe. And I don’t mean the shallow surface puffs we have all been walking around with. I mean, actually, take a deep, long breath. When you breathe deeply and release it, you drop your earrings (shoulders). Most people walk around wearing their shoulders as earrings. This posture is a signal to the body that you are preparing to run from an oncoming attack.
This is a huge driver of chronic low-grade stress. Breathing also floods your system with oxygen, which signals to your body that you are in a relaxed mode and not preparing for a flight. This automatically releases the tension in your muscles and relaxes your body, ridding it of stress.
The next time you feel you might go into panic mode, try these three steps: pause, bring your awareness to your body, and breathe. These will help you unwind immediately and think more clearly before continuing with the rest of the day’s activities. Why don’t you take a minute to try it?
This article was written by Mrs Samira Mohammed, a food science expert working at the Food and Drugs Authority in Ghana
Other articles written by her:
Tips to Boost the Immune System of your Child
Five super foods you should be consuming more of
What is gluten, and how does it affect the body?