Dalhousie University Entrance Scholarships for International Students 2023

Dalhousie University Entrance Scholarships for International Students.

Dalhousie University Entrance Scholarships is a Women in Technology Scholarship which does not only offers financial support but provides a platform to support the next generation of female tech leaders and champions. Applications for fall 2023 are now open!

Computer science is about technology. More importantly, it’s about people. We need more female talent and perspective in the field and this scholarship is about supporting women wanting to have an impact within or beyond the tech community.

See Also: Mastercard Foundation Scholarship 2023

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Scholarship Requirements:

The majority of scholarships will be awarded to individuals who:

  • Have an overall average of 70%, please see individual program pages for full admission requirements
  • Have applied for our Bachelor of Computer Science or Bachelor of Applied Computer Science program
  • Can demonstrate how a passion for technology has had or will have, an impact on your community as defined in the broadest sense of the term.  
  • Identify as female

The scholarship is open to applications from Canadian and international students.

Students who are Techsploration alumni or who have participated in the NCWiT Aspirations in Computing Awards are strongly encouraged to apply.

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Scholarship Duration and Reward

Successful applicants will receive:

  • $10,000 scholarship ($5,000 entrance scholarship and $5,000 for year two of your studies (dependent on academic performance))
  • Access to events and professional development opportunities through the WeAreAllCS initiative and our partners

Method of Application

To apply for the WeAreAllCS Women in Technology Entrance Scholarship, please complete this form

See also  Margaret McNamara Educational Grants (MMEG) Scholarships 2023

Please note, if you are eligible for more than one WeAreAllCS Diversity Entrance Scholarship, you will be considered for multiple awards through this form.

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Applications close on March 1st, 2023.

Deadline: March 1, 2023

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