Fully Funded: Master of Science Assistantship at Texas Tech University

Fully Funded: Master of Science Assistantship at Texas Tech University.

Texas Tech University is a public university that was established in 1923. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 33,132 (fall 2021), a city setting, and a campus area of 1,839 acres. It follows a semester-based academic calendar.

Details of the Master of Science Assistantship in Agronomy or Animal Science

One M.S. position is available to participate in a funded effort to evaluate how shortgrass prairie is affected by grazing methods and environmental scenarios. The project will compare grazing frequencies and intensities and precipitation and temperature regimes to evaluate the effects on grassland health and production, nutritional value, and associated ecosystem services.

The study aims to determine how grazing practices under varying future environmental scenarios can influence rangeland health and productivity and livestock efficiency and performance.

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The student will be responsible for performing greenhouse, growth-chamber, and small-plot research, as well as nutritional analytics. The student will be officed on-campus, and field work will take place on Texas Tech University’s native rangeland and research farms.

The M.S. student will be housed in the Department of Natural Resources Management within the Davis College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. The position is available beginning Jan. 2023.


The successful candidate will receive a full tuition waiver and a competitive 12-month stipend.

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Required Qualifications:

  • A BS degree in Agronomy, Animal Science, Natural Resource Management, Rangeland Science, or closely related field prior to the start date;
  • research experience, preferably with livestock or rangeland studies; and
  • excellent written and oral communication skills. Knowledge of livestock production and grazing, plant physiology, and creative and innovative problem-solving abilities are preferred.
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How To apply – Fully Funded: Master of Science Assistantship at Texas Tech University

Please send a single PDF to Aaron Norris (aaron.norris@ttu.edu) with

  1. CV;
  2. a letter describing how you meet the required qualifications, your research interests, and your career goals;
  3. unofficial transcripts; and
  4. contact information for three professional references.

A formal application to TTU only needs to be made after selection of the successful candidate. Applications will be accepted until January 2023.

Contact Person Aaron Norris Contact Phone 806-834-0172 Contact email aaron.norris@ttu.edu

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